Saturday, June 15, 2024

Just one of many similar independent views: MASSIVE CRISIS: Petrodollar Collapse & & Banking Threats Will Crash the US Economy | Andy Schectman




the banking sector really is a scary place to leave your money largely because it's uninsured uh uh to you know


a large degree um it's it's overvalued it's it's under capitalized and


overleveraged I think leaving your money in the bank right now is as risky as it gets we're almost 200 trillion in debt


we're broke we're insolvent uh we're divided we're not United our country is is looked at as a laughing stock with


the border the elections Judicial System all of this craziness that we see happening is not lost on the rest of the


world and so yeah I I think this is going to only get more and more real Lena and people need to prepare and and


that means getting their house in order like a hurricane is coming a financial hurricane um but also a real




hurricane hello everyone welcome back today I have With Me Andy shackman Andy


is the owner of Miles Franklin and investment company that specializes in Precious Metals the company was founded


by Andy and his father back in 1989 Andy it's so good to see you welcome back Lena it's great to be here


thanks for having me it just seems that things are starting to spin a little faster I don't know if it's me but sure


seems like it is anyway but it's great to be back thanks for having me absolutely now it's it's great to have


you I have so many questions for you and things that I would like to discuss and I know our viewers are certainly looking


forward to hearing from you too I saw multiple comments saying please bring Andy back and um yeah I was looking


forward to this conversation like um so we're starting to hear more and


more about the issues in the banking sector the banking industry is facing um


trouble and we see commercial banks are carrying more than $517 billion dollars in unrealized


losses on their books the FDIC recently issued a report indicating that at least


63 Banks us-based Banks are at risk of insolvency so that's really bad news and


uh of course another thing we have to talk about is commercial real estate commercial real estate debt is clearly a


taking time bomb and um now that the fed the other day indicated that there will


be just one rate cut I think it's fair to say that refinancing the commercial


uh commercial real estate loans would be more challenging so what is your take on on the stability of the banking sector


in the United States I think the banking sector is a ticking Time Bomb it's massively


overleveraged and massively under capitalized and the I mean if you look


at the commercial real estate situation Lena it is a ticking Time Bomb I mean I


think you can see that in no greater example than what we recently saw in St


Louis where the former 1 AT&T Center the third largest building in in all of St


Louis 40 44 stories tall which was sold for $25 million to a Real Estate


Investment Trust in 2006 just sold for $3.6 million now think about that for a


moment how do we continue to see these types of of literally um destruction of


equity and and massive hits to the balance sheets of these Regional Banks before we start to see a very big


problem a trillion and half dollars or more in these leases and loans that that


need to to to be reset within the next year all at higher rates spells very big


problems for a banking sector that you know at during the pandemic was allowed


to relinquish reserve requirements down to zero and so yeah I think we are nowhere near out of the woods yet for


the banks and and quite frankly you had Powell saying that we will see uh


consolidations that's not to be uh surprised and um look I would simply say


to you that that we're a long way away from being safe in the banks and when we


talk about the FDIC it has 130 billion or so in assets backing over 18 trillion


in deposits you know people most people there are a lot of people who don't understand the significance of this they


don't understand that bail-ins were written into law in The Dodd Frank act most people don't even know what a


bailin is in essence the depositors are un unsecured General creditors I.E the


last to be paid in a banking issue what's happened is that uh you know the


banks that have have failed already first you had silicone and signature that we legally bailed out by the fed by


Janet Yellen uh by by um the president you know she said it was a uber majority


vote between the fomc the F FDIC herself and the president but made it very clear


that if banks fail in the future that they won't be bailed out they will be bailed in unless they are deemed through


an Uber majority vote to be too systemic the other banks that have failed have been gobbled up by the likes of JP


Morgan or other larger Regional Banks so people really haven't had to think about


the significance of a bank bailin which basically means anything above the FDC


level which we just just um talked about as being fugazi um goes in to the to the the


kitty to bail in the indiscretions of the bank and I think that you know just


by them telling us that they're all these troubled banks these problem Banks


more indication that it will happen and you know they lay crumbs at your feet so that they can say see we told you but


the question really becomes what happens if it starts to become systemic this is why credit Swiss had to be bailed out by


UBS and and and why silicon and signature had to be bailed out because there are banks that are systemically


tied through derivatives to the industry that if they go the daisy chain really I


think could be something that we really don't have an idea of how fast it plays out and what does happen but leaving


more money than the FDIC BS limit covers into a bank I think


is is really naive at this point absolutely and um in terms of


commercial real estate because that's what's sort of driving the volume of unrealized losses what is your


expectation let's say for the next six months uh till the year end do you do


you think that we will see the same type of uh short sales and selling at a


really significant loss throughout the United States or do you think it will mostly concentrate in in certain uh


Market areas I think it'll be in you know they call it the urban Doom Loop where people are moving away from the


big cities as things get worse and then things get worse because people are moving away from the big cities there's


something called the cloward Piven theory that people should check out it blew my mind when I read it it's about


um it it it speaks to a husband and wife cloward and Piven they were um


professors at Columbia University in the 60s interesting that Obama went there as did mine Albright and Bill bar and Eric


Holder and um you know many of the people who are influential including Jared Bernstein this knucklehead uh


Chief Financial or chief economic adviser to the um to the Biden


Administration I'm sure many people have seen that that video that was going around Twitter where he really embarrassed himself and and the Office


of the of the presidency really as being the chief economic adviser but this is you know this is a guy that that went to


school there too and the whole thing of it is to overwhelm the system the inner cities uh through mass mass


participation on entitlement welfare system and on uh blowing up the inner


cities I mean if you look at 17 million people that have come into this country illegally a large part portion of them


are in these big blue cities which now by the way they're trying to give uh extra votes in the Electoral College to


these blue cities I mean you can't make it up but the whole premise is to create a surf Dum of people that will never


vote Republican that will in essence render the elections moot because they will always vote for the Dole and the


premise is that you overwhelm the system and which leads to Universal basic income and and on the way to socialism


let's hope it doesn't happen but this was taught and if you read about the cloward Piven Theory you'll be like my


goodness gracious this is what they're doing but this is what's happening in the inner cities people are moving away


because of what you see in the inner cities and and and they have no interest in going to work in these uh tall office


buildings that have you know a massive carry cost if they can work from home and feel safe and that's what you see


happening so I think it will be concentrated in places like you know New York City San Francisco any of the big


inner cities Philadelphia where you're seeing a a massive amount of Migrant


issues and uh people working from home these these loans these these leases are


real and people are just walking away from them and yeah I I think because it


it feeds upon itself when all of the people leave the office buildings what happens to the restaurants and the bars


and the shops around it and and they start to leave and then it just feeds upon itself so yeah I I think that this


is really a very big problem that people should keep a close eye on right and um one of my uh videos was


focused on the commercial real estate State debt and how it impacts the banking system and um I noticed that


there were several comments that were effectively kind of very similar and they said well why are they selling


these multi-million dollar commercial real estate buildings you know many of them are downtown so very very good


locations well what used to be a good location um why are they selling them at a loss instead of waiting and just you


know seeing if things get better and my take on it is exactly like you just pointed out is that their forecast their


expectation is not good they they don't expect there to be U nice restaurants


around they don't expect there to be um many nice uh entertainment ven venues or


things that would attract people whom they want to um see as their customers


moving forward yeah exactly and you have to understand that the difference between a home mortgage and a commercial


real estate loan is that they're largely non recourse uh if for the commercial


real estate me meaning that there is no recourse you just give them the keys and say I'm out and you lose whatever you had into it but when you take a look at


these buildings the maintenance of these buildings is worth more than they're bringing in it's as if I placed a very


very large order for a client who says I want $10 million worth of silver and the price of Silver Falls by a dollar and


I'm out tens of thousands of dollars because the client disappears and doesn't pay for the order do I hold it


and wait for it to hopefully come back what if it falls another dollar and then another at what point do you realize my


goodness this is this is a weight around my ankles and I'm falling into the water what happens so I think it it's a


decision that has to be made it's not one that people really like to make but these are real situations what's


happening to the inner cities to me Lena is is is just horrific and very sad when


you see lawlessness in the inner cities when you see police officers beat up in Manhattan in broad daylight when you see


this this um you know wonderful places like San Francisco turn into and and and


um uh what's the the capital of California I was just there I couldn't


believe my eyes uh why Sacramento I mean you can't believe what you see when you walk down these streets tents and people


doing drugs right out in front of you and you're not really going to want to walk to a ball game or to dinner or back


to your car at the end of the night or I mean any of these things you're not going to let your 16-year-old daughter


work at a at a at a you know at a mall in the inner city in one of these big


malls just like the big one in San Francisco biggest one they just shut the doors and left the biggest hotel in San


Francisco gave back the keys because at some point it just becomes ridiculous


and I think that's where we're at right now I mean there'll be Parts where you don't see these horrible uh parts of the


country where you don't see these these this type of horrible um Market action but remember it's the regional banks


that hold 70% of the commercial loans and so it doesn't have to be in your


state where this happens for it to affect you because the systemic nature of all of these Banks and how they're


all tied together and through derivatives and the reinsurance and all of these things that are all tied


together systemically has a far-reaching effect but yeah I think it it's naive to think that the commercial real estate


problem will not really begin to put strain on the banks and by a broader uh


stroke also the economy because you're seeing these inner cities just start to shrivel up many of them anyway and and I


think it's just beginning the urban D Doom Loop so uh as the big as the big


money leaves these cities goes to places like Texas and Florida um South Dakota


Wyoming and moving away from the craziness what's going to happen to everyone who's still there if they have


the ability to move they will and if not it will just become worse and worse and worse and these big these big highrises


that have huge nuts attached to them um you know what happens there I don't know do they turn turn them into public


housing I'm not really quite sure but I will also tell you that it doesn't help the situation when you've had years


worth of zerob bound federal funds rate and really low interest rates and really


you know copious amounts of money poured into the system where the the valuations of these buildings have gotten way out


of control way out of whack the price Discovery what is the real value as rates go higher and to find equilibrium


between Rising rates and property value is going to be a very painful experience as well so the valuations on these Banks


balance sheets most of them are fugazy when you see a building in St Louis that


sells for $3.6 million that was $25 million 12 years ago Houston we got a


problem a big problem and and that's just the tip of the iceberg so I guess


we'll see how it plays out but if I were a betting man yeah you wouldn't see the Federal Reserve Chief say yeah there's


going to be a lot of bank consolidations that's a nice way of of saying it he's telling us there's going to be more


problems in the banking sector and um I think we're by no stretch of the imagination out of the woods and then


you know we could also look at at these fintech companies like we see beginning to have problems like we just saw here


last week the fintech companies that where there's disputes about the amount of money that is owed between the you


know the fintech company and the banks that they're representing so there's a lot of of stuff right now where the


banking sector really is a scary place to leave your money largely because it's uninsured uh uh to you know a large


degree um it's it's overvalued it's it's under capitalized and overleveraged I


think leaving your money in the bank right now is as risky as it gets some people predict the banking


crisis to be worse than that of 200 eight and of course that's that's that's


really bad news of course the scenarios and the circumstances are completely different but if that's what's in store


for us a 2008 style financial crash what does that mean for consumers what does


that mean for small businesses or those who have small businesses and most


importantly how long do you think that it could last I think things can go longer than


anyone thinks possible and you know um I I I what does it what does it mean


for the average consumer I mean look look at look at this um what's the name


of the bank uh synapse and the Tennessee based evolve Banking Trust and and


synaps was the middleman this fintech and they're saying that $112 million that people have have been locked out


and there's a disagreement between how much money is owed to to the bank through you know the


middleman is saying well we don't know that much and and then you have the CEO say we never imagined a scenario like


this could play out that no regulator would step in and help I guess what does it mean is that I think people have a a


a misguided sense of safety with FDIC um with with funds being insured um


look one big bank failure in FDIC is insolvent and when you realize that you


know they only have 130 or 40 billion back in 18 trillion this could go a


whole lot worse and if you look at the bailout legislation uh and read about it


it basically says that the FDIC has a couple of mandates in this when this happens and the first is to is to you


know make sure that the assets are redistributed the


the general the the depositor is is uninsured General creditor um and they


end up getting paid last anything over the FDIC number but that FDIC number of 250,000 they have up to four years to


pay it out uh and so when you any any of the excess would be paid out in stock of


the new bank that takes over for it know people are going to dump that stock immediately because the stock doesn't


pay the bill I think it can go a whole lot worse than people imagine because look the truth of it is this all it


really takes is for One bank to be bailed in just one because the public doesn't know what bail-ins mean and One


Bank gets bailed in and people say my God they lost everything and and it would create a panic like you could not


imagine and it it what starts out as a trickle turns into a flood and you know how could something like this happened


well you know a lot of the things that I've talked about with you and with others for four years is about the loss


of the Petro dollar status and the the demand for the dollar globally has has been synthetic since last 50 years since


74 everyone's had the stockpile dollars well I'm sure you've already covered the fact that Saudi Arabia has has agree or


or decided to not reup the Petr dollar exclusivity deal with the United States


meaning they can sell their oil and any other currency they want and so what does that mean for the demand for the dollar that synthetic demand is is now


fractured the dollar hegemony is over what does it mean how fast will other countries stop stop accumulating dollars


and accumulate other forms of currency to purchase energy that's really the question and what would it mean when all


of those dollars come flooding home and hit our Shores creating much much higher inflation than we're expected to receive


or or to deal with and the byproduct of that spike in inflation is interest rates have to rise to compensate for it


this is not controlled by Powell but by the market what would the industry look like the banking industry at 10%


interest rates Boom the whole thing blows up and so now you start to see massive systemic problems where several


banks are failing all at once FDIC can't handle it banks are bailed in you ask me


are I ask you what happens then how do people react when a dozen 15 20 30 banks


have failed because they're all underwater and how about the insurance companies that are loaded with treasuries which have done poorly in the


last year and a half with the 500 basis point increase in rates what happens when that happens when rates Spike and


they start to fracture the amount of panic I think would be extraordinary so


you know this is the thing I think you have to be proactive you it's like buying Insurance health insurance no one


wants to confront their own mortality it's like buying homeowners insurance you don't get mad when you come home


after paying your your your your home insurance premium and your house hasn't burned down you're not upset about that


but if it did you're you know you did the right thing it's the same thing here if you're not a contrarian you're bound to be a victim when this all breaks


loose and I think the probability of a breaking loose Grows by the day but you know a modern monetary theorist would


want this they would want a calling of the banks and that's L brainer number two at the White House in terms of


economic advisory policy modern monetary theorists ran point to Fed now develop the cbdc with MIT well she's really


happy that we see Bank consolidations how big does the problem go uh what


triggers it well that's anyone's guess but I I'll tell you this I would not want to wait and find out and that's why


I tell people you know one place to go is is fed direct. goov or fedn now.gif


and buy treasuries of very very very short duration disintermediating the banks because I think the banks are in


trouble and I don't know which ones or how fast or how systemic but everything that I see around me will tell me that


they're in trouble and especially when you look at the problems with commercial real estate which would then spill over


into residential real estate because a four or 3% mortgage is fantastic until you lose your job and then what happens


so all of the assets that we value have been loan to Skyhigh proportions with zero bound federal funds rate for the


last 20 years and and easy money created distortions and asset prices and when we see rates rise uh which I think we will


because look the rest of the world isn't buying our bonds anymore we've proven the weaponization of the dollar is about as stupid as it can get and now we just


voted to actually confiscate Russian assets and give them to the Ukraine I mean that's about as dumb as dumb gets


and almost too stupid to be stupid and so as the rest of the world buys commodi ities instead of treasuries which I


believe have become more valuable than the currency you purchase them with um and playing by a new set of rules uh you


will see rates rise and the strain that puts on the system the banks uh the commercial real estate the companies


around it the businesses around it and the economy at large will start to have systemic effects and reverberate through


the entire economy I think that this is not just centered on Commercial Real Estate it is a symptom of a bigger


problem and when commercial real estate blows up and the banks blow up then what happens and so I think you have to look


two or three steps ahead but Lena I think it's never been more important to to think differently to be a contrarian


to think outside the box and and safety in the banks is something that is a misconception in my mind that always


never was but it is now it seems it really does seem that


we're in a perfect storm right so not only is it becoming obvious that uh the banking sector is is in serious trouble


but also the Petra dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia just expired it wasn't renewed and it was clear I think leading


up to the expiration that Saudi Arabia wasn't really going to play along the same lines as it did maybe 50 years ago


so I guess my question is what is um what is your take on the expiration of


the deal itself why did we the United States did we attempt to renew it did we


have maybe alternative ways to ensure that uh the Petro dollar status would be


maintained going forward was there a plan or is it just something that was you know and let's just say an


oversight well look I mean like I said Jared Bernstein's thesis is to lose the world Reserve status that's first and


foremost and and if you wanted to lose the world Reserve status you make a big deal about going green you sign


executive orders to do so and then you weaponize a dollar and not just weaponize it but confiscate and when I


say confiscate let's just call call it what it is it's stealing and that's what they're doing and you make the entire


southern hemisphere say my God I mean we're next we're out so much so that gold is now the second largest held in


in all Global Central Bank Reserves exceeding the Euro for the first time ever and so the dollar and the Euro are


falling out of Central Bank Reserves and gold jumped to its highest level um in


27 years at almost 18% reserves if we believe the numbers that that we hear


but look this is a very very very very big deal there was just a meeting you know we talked about 200 meetings bricks


meetings leading up to the big one in October there was just one in novag where 21,000 people attended from 139


Nations there were 80 billion dollar nearly signed of bilateral deal signed


on the sidelines these are deals that are no longer using the dollar for settlement you chip away at the dollar


settlement the the the the these countries selling treasuries and buying gold chips away at the reserve status 59


Nations we are told officially will plan to join the bricks um 59 this is no longer a very um small uh


nothing Burger this is something very significant is encompassing the majority of human population three of the four


largest nuclear arsenals on the planet the majority of global GDP all I mean


there was just an article and I think it's all it's very important that this


is all put together but there was just an article that came out by um JP Morgan


and let me see if I can find it right here I think I can which says that


China controls the majority of all of the rare earth metals and I just want to


read this really really quick because I think it's important that we put all of


this together this this whole this whole growing group of countries put together


and says that um bear with me here it is in 202 this


is from JP Morgan and their research analyst her name is Amy ho she's the global head of um she's the executive


director of strategic research and Joyce Chang the global head of research and it says that the current tariff


announcement on the 18 billion of Chinese Imports has elevated the debate on whether China's dominance in the critical mineral supply chain will


emerge as the latest Battleground for us China strategic competition and I know you asked me about Saudi but they're all


tied together China produces 68% of the world's Rare Earth uh things like mag


which are used for things like magnets and batteries 70% of its graphite which is used for lubricants electric motors


and and nuclear reactors but the real dominance lies in the processing China process 100% of the world's graphite


Supply 90% of the rare Earths and 74% of the Cal balt we haven't thought this out


very well and so when you realize all these countries are joining together based upon Commodities as zultan posar


said why would the Saudis want to take our currency which we have proven we're going to choose inflation over austerity


uh for for oil why would they want our bond uh our bonds that have formed


poorly and more importantly have become weaponized and we will take them from you and even use them to fund the


country you're in a war against if we don't align ideologically so what you are seeing is something that is a lot


bigger than it appears on the surface and I think what we are seeing is is a a growing chorus of


countries that are finding safety and numbers and when you realize that every country in the world's had to accumulate


and hold dollars literally since 1974 and this now is over you're seeing these


countries I think use that as motivation to accelerate this Union and James


Rickards has an interesting take on things and and he talks about the reason we haven't seen the com settlement


currency yet is because he they need to have greater mass and if indeed you have


560 countries that want to do this you now have mass his his theory is regardless of the gold backing of the


currency which it may be I mean why else would gold be reclassified tier one why are the central banks buying it the way


they are using the suppression of the Western Market to run cover for it the paper price in


essence but he says look there's 10 countries right now and if they sell


with one another even in a common settlement currency those 10 countries are the only ones that will accept it so


how do you go shopping if you only have nine other countries to choose from well if you have 50 or 60 countries on board


now you have 50 or 60 countries that you can buy goods and services from you have the majority of human population of


global GDP of military might all of the shipping lanes and and and the natural


resources they are doing this very methodically they are thinking this out um very seriously they've also


officially applied to project embridge and I know you've talked about that before I've talked about it it came out


in 2021 and project embridge is a very big deal project embridge is a joint um


Central Bank uh digital currency crossborder payment system that was developed by China Hong Kong Thailand


and the United be of emirats and I've been saying for a while now that I think gold and oil have been


remonetized um completely and totally they are being used as as money viewed


as money more important than the dollar bills that buy them and the first two trades that they did in 2023 their test


trades that China did with this was the first one for oil and the second one for gold using the digital youan and


crossborder payment well now you have as of June 5th Saudi Arabia has joined a chin dominated Central Bank digital


currency cross border trial in what would be another step towards less of the world's oil trade being done in


dollars the move announced by the bis on Wednesday will see Saudi Arabia Central Bank become a full participant of


project embridge and at the same time you just got um the Saudi Crown Prince turned down an invitation today to go to


the G7 meeting so he's strengthening his ties with the bricks joining the the the


the Belt Road with all the other OPEC countries joining the bricks new development Bank joining the Shanghai


cooperation Organization no longer selling oil just for dollars and making that very well known um joining project


embridge I mean you can see little by little by little they are entrenching themselves with with this portion of the


world that you know and now they're saying we don't want to go to the G7 meeting and use as an excuse for it you


can see this is real and what is the significance when they finally there there's a theory out there called


project Sandman I don't know if you're familiar with it or not but project Sandman is basically and and I don't


know how how much verac we put into it but 150 175 countries that have agreed


to dump the dollar and the treasury all at the same time when that is what is the trigger


don't know but by not renewing the Petro dollar deal I would say that's a pretty damn big trigger if you ask


me you brought up so many important things you brought out China's capacity to uh produce to um refine um natural


resources which of course plays uh to its strength to affect actively


manufactures thanks to its transition that it has already started um years ago


when it invested into its uh industrial base to make sure that it is efficient


that it doesn't use too much energy and that it's able to produce Goods at a very low price point that will of course


attract buyers across the world and of course you brought up the Petra dollar and uh project embridge so


um this is truly a perfect storm and I think people here in the United States they're not hearing about all of this


because the mainstream media is absolutely omitting this they're acting as if this is not happening um but what


can an average person let's just say a person who's working you know 9 to-5 um


what can they do given all of this information what would you do if you were that person to protect your assets


I know gold of course is a safe haven asset but what would be like the top three things that you would do uh after


hearing uh this information I would do best I could to to mitigate my exposure


to traditional assets um like stocks like bonds um I would uh do the best I


could to get out of debt and get rid of variable rate debt especially um do the


best you can to pay off any variable rate debt or consolidate variable rate debt into a fixed rate if you have the


ability to do so I would pay yourself first and let the laws of compounding work for you instead against you and pay


yourself first meaning if you don't pay yourself first if you're always just trying to uh make ends meet and not


paying yourself first um you'll never get off the wheel you'll never get out of the Rat Race you have to let the laws


of compounding work for you instead of against you so you know it's easier said than done I guess and I'm not trying to


to ignore that I know 65% of this country is live living paycheck to paycheck and 45% earning over six


figures paycheck to paycheck so what do you do you try to get out of debt you try to pay yourself first um and you


prepare for a hurricane a financial hurricane you have food and water and batteries and things that you would need


to survive for a few months you have some small denomination currency fives and tens and 20s at home as much as you


can have safely at home you buy some gold you buy some silver small silver coins doesn't matter how much when I


started this company with my father um 34 years ago Lena he told me that


there'd only be one ruler he'd fire me and this was the greatest gift my dad's ever given me or anyone for that matter


and he said I need to buy something gold or silver every two weeks when I get paid period That's was 34 years ago and


I've owned my company for over two decades he's been retired I talk to him every day he won't fire me anymore but


I've honored my promise to him and I bought something every two weeks for 34 years and it's money to me it's wealth


it's not an investment and and it was the greatest great gift he ever gave me told me how to prioritize taught me how


to prioritize myself and my future first and and show me how to let laws of


compounding and cost averaging work for me that is the best advice I can give because I do think this is real look we


live in a just in time Society all of this stuff would come at the expense of credit as well as rates rise and Banks


collapse you will see a massive credit contraction and just as bullish as as easy money and and and and and wide


openen credit um has been for asset prices the opposite would be in play if all of a


sudden credit contracts tremendously just think about how much credit is used to bring a loaf of bread to a grocery


store starting with the farmer who's on credit to buy the the you know his his um his giant tractor whatever they're


called uh and the and the the seeds to plant the field and once he Harvest it he has to deliver the the wheat to the


the trucking company who's on credit to buy the trucks and the diesel fuel who delivers it to to the um uh to the you


know the grain silo where they they turn it into wheat they're on credit and then back to the truck to bring it to the


baker they're on credit the baker's on credit to bake the bread who then gives it back to the truck who's on credit to


deliver it to the grocery store there's so many pieces of credit that touch just


a simple loaf of bread going from you know seed to finished product at the


grocery store we're just in time but that's just one thing so I think people need to understand that this isn't just


about the banks and the economy or the dollar this is also about everything because the whole world lives on credit


and when we see a massive credit contraction that would be brought on by a massive dollar devaluation rates


Rising Banks collapsing everything is tied together and that's you know why I


think it becomes even more distressing when you see what's happening in this country um the lawlessness the open


borders you know the election questions the judicial system questions all of the things that have created a country that


is no longer United makes it only that much worse I think you have to prioritize yourself right now and save


the world one person at a time starting with yourself uh I wish my message was more


cheery Lena but I think we are getting to a point where look you got the big bricks meeting in October and the


election in November and things seem to be spinning faster and faster and faster and faster every single day do we really


think that it will be smooth sailing between now and the end of the year and even if we do have an election God


willing half the country is going to be angry so I think you need to prepare as if there's a big storm coming and what


does that storm look like well use your imagination how bad could it get God Only Knows hope for the best prepare for


the worst and if you prepare and it everything is smooth sailing so what you leave your gold and silver to your


family members you donate food to a food shelf or eat it you you know reluctantly prepare pring is something that needs to


be done like buying life insurance I think this has never been more important and the Saudis not only snubbing the G7


but not renewing the Petro dollar deal and all of the moves that they have made along with the United barab Emirates who


last time you and I talked we talked about how they have publicly said we don't want to take the dollar anymore


and they were the seventh largest exporter of oil in the world a brics member right alongside Saudi Arabia and


an OPEC member so this is starting to become reality how bad does it get how


fast does it happen I don't know but it is scary to your point that people are not able to get out of the way of what


they don't see coming and I haven't heard this or seen any of this on the mainstream at


all absolutely I I don't think I've seen anything either and but I think since I


started this channel I'm seeing more and more people uh starting to realize that the current uh monetary system The


Current financial system is based on the confidence in the United States economy


and since not many people seem to have that much confidence in the US economy right now due


to high national debt it's it's absolutely surging uh due to deficits


spending um all of these things consumer uh delinquency rates are rising as well


so things are definitely starting to um show some cracks at this conference um


that just ended on June 7th uh you have Putin who said the Breton Wood's monetary system is dead and gone and the


current one is based on the confidence in the US economy he said there is no other guarantee so to say other than


confidence in the US economy and the current Global Financial system and and that's right and and confidence behind a


system that's lost its bearing that's creating a trillion dollars in debt every hundred days that is going around


the world imposing sanctions and stealing money from other countries and giving it to the country they're fighting a war against as the world


Reserve currency who is largely viewed as being hypocritical across the entire southern hemisphere uh it's it's it's


true I mean we used to be backed by gold we aren't we are Fiat and now Nations don't need to stockpile dollars to buy


oil according to the deal not being um reup yeah this is a big deal what is the


dollar other than you know the confidence of an economy that is now a


country that is now uh 34 almost 35 trillion in debt plus Medicare Part B 99


trillion in the whole Medicare Part D the prescriptions 22 Social Security 77


trillion we're almost 200 trillion in debt we're broke we're insolvent uh we're divided we're not United our


country is is looked at as a laughing stock with the border the elections Judicial System all of this craziness


that we see happening is not lost on the rest of the world and so yeah I I think


this is going to only get more and more real Lena and people need to prepare and and that means getting their house in


order like a hurricane is coming a financial hurricane um but also a real hurricane and the respect that you


should have things like food and water and batteries and dog food and anything that you think you need because if


things got really really bad how fast would the grocery stores be empty and and I hate to sound this way but I think


you know when you realize that 17 million people have entered this country illegally they just busted you know


eight or nine people uh that had you know terrorist affiliations that were


planning on doing damage look if 1% of these people want to mess with the country prior to the election in some


awful way that's what 170,000 people so how about 5% that's bigger than any


standing army and and they're in this country and and you know how significant is it I'll let you all decide that and


but I as a father of three kids I've never been more scared uh about this and


again buying gold and silver Lena it's not to get wealthy It Is wealth that has outlived everything the world's ever


thrown at it and at the same time the central banks are buying it at levels the world's never seen uh first quarter


2024 outpace first quarter 2023 is the biggest ever Bank of India just bought


one and a half times what they bought all of last year in the first four months of the year and brought home 100 metric tons from the bank of England uh


Saudi Arabia Egypt and a half a dozen uh African countries repatriated all their gold from the New York fed the


counterparty risk the loss of trust we've shattered the glass against the the wall how do you put it back together


before Mom and Dad get home you don't it's impossible now maybe Trump can slow things down a bit but I wonder have we


crossed that line where we will ever have trust again the way we once did and


when you realize just how indebted we are at the same time you have you know complete and total lack of of


fiscal um responsibility uh it's completely irrational the amount of money that we spend and the debt we're


creating a trillion dollars every hundred days um this is not getting better anytime soon and and nor will


inflation I don't care what they say look take imagine the the budget is balanced right now you still have 200


175 trillion in unfunded liabilities who's going to pay for Medicare Medicaid Social Security and government military


pensions who's going to pay the the the Congressional budget office said by 2031


100% of tax revenue will go just to pay the interest on the debt and mandatory


entitlement like Social Security which means military spending which is discretional would have to be borrowed


that doesn't take into account the 17 million people who are in this country illegally who's going to pay for them


their clothes their food their medical their schooling their housing I mean we haven't thought this through and I just


think it's about time that it's going to accelerate and I think um if I had to


guess something will happen between now and the end of the year that are going to Rattle people and wake people up and


maybe it's commercial real estate maybe it's the banks maybe it's some awful event God forbid I don't know what it is


but to think that it's not and to see the Petro dollar deal not be reup and to see the Crown Prince turn down going to


the G7 meeting and to see all of these things 50 plus countries want to join the Bricks now and have want to formally


apply um yeah this is getting real what started out four years ago when I was


talking about this as a crazy theory has frighteningly turned real and I I think


that this is something people people need to U pay close attention to so who is the media you're the media you're a


whole lot better than than watching any of the mainstream and people like you who have the courage and and the hard


work I know how hard it is to stay up to speed I know how hard you work and and you this isn't even your main job I I


know how much you care and people should respect and admire what you are doing


people can't get out of the way of what they don't see coming and there are very lot of a lot of very well read R well


read people out there who think they know what's coming but they're reading the wrong stuff and


they will get run over by this if if if we see for whatever reason a massive


dumping of dollars due to the the Petro dollar deal no longer being en forc the


byproduct of which is spiked interest rates it will be a religious experience for this country as all of the assets


are inversely correlated to a spike in rates but not just the assets the banks and the insurance companies are too so


it's real so prepare like something bad is coming and hope it never does if it does you'll be damn glad you prepared or


maybe it means there's a hell of an opportunity when this when the dust settles maybe we the American Spirit prevails and we are able to pull out


from this nose dive and a new Administration does you know Foster confidence and and and you know build


this country unite this country again and and that would be great this country has always I think done best with its


back to the wall and and that would be great but to prepare um and not prepare


I think is foolish so that's kind of my message Lena and I respect you a lot for what you do you're one of the few people


out there honestly who get it and that's why the minute I I saw your first video


I don't know a year ago I'm like wow she's one of the very few who's talking about this stuff and I give you a lot of


respect for the courage to do it and and how articulate you are in bringing what


is real news to to the public and I hope more and more people start uh following


you and it'll be my pleasure to help that out by sending that out to you know 80,000 people that we talk to and


encouraging people to to watch real news and uh and that would start with you know people like


yourself well Andy first of all thank you so much for your kind words and for your feedback I really appreciate that


and it it really does mean a lot because people don't realize how uh for me personally this is very much a onew


woman show so uh getting things to work the way I want them to and um editing


and uh finding the information that would I would like my viewers to know that certainly takes um a certain amount


of energy I know how much time it takes I know how much effort it takes and you bring up new stories almost every day so


I will vouch for you it's it's a constant I spend three four hours a day every day seven days a week I'm sure you


do too and it shows that's why you have three or 400,000 subscribers and that's why I watch every video you post it's


about trying to gather as much information as possible from people like you and others out there who are doing the same thing and then make your own


decision um trust your gut things don't feel right I think people understand that they just don't feel right and um


let's hope we're wrong but uh I would say this I would I would simply say this that our current Administration has done


more to harm this country than any external foe could have ever have done over the last few years and uh it's not


over yet and we have a few months left that I think will be exponentially more


volatile and as the Chinese curse says interesting and I hope I'm wrong I truly honest to God hope I'm wrong but I don't


think I am and you can see that for for for MBS to not go to the G7


meeting and to not reup that deal is a significant of anything that has ever happened in all of our lives but how


many people understand that yes it hasn't like bang collapsed but I assure


you that it is not a good omen when you see the dollar lose its hemony and in in


essence that what is what just happened and how fast it unravels to what degree


I guess we'll see but um I think it it it certainly the fuse has been lit when


does the fuse hit the firecracker don't know but I think it's closer than it's ever been in my life and I would really


like our viewers to to understand that none of this is a really um big shock


right there were signs and and red flags for several years now that uh if itively


said that this is something that might happen you really need to prepare for this and for our leadership this is


something that you really need to take into account and try to mitigate those risks um because West Asia has been very


very unstable and we've seen the UAE sius Bashar Al Assad became part of the


Arab League I believe uh last year again so they welcomed him back so um I think


those are the things that were the signs that you know MBS may not choose to go to a G7 Conference next time around that


things might not really work out in uh the favor of of uh the United States in


that region and and so none of this is a is a big shock it's it's been a long time coming and now finally it's


starting to uh come to light and more and more people are starting to realize what this means for them and for their


children and for um generations to come that are now um having to uh deal with


massive truly massive national debt that that will certainly impact their quality of life and what type of um uh comfort


and life they're going to be able to afford so with that being said um of


course gold and silver are the go-to safe haven assets and I know it's very


difficult to say what will happen in the next six months as you mentioned for for the reasons that you mentioned but what


is your prediction with respect to gold price now through the end of 2024 we


have the bricks Summit coming up we have uh elections coming up are there any other things important events that are


uh going to take place between now and the end of the year that would impact the price of uh precious metals well


those are the biggest of course I mean the flow of gold from west to east this transfer of wealth that that I've been


talking about for a long time now is huge and I think the underestimating of the significance of it is is a problem


we're seeing so much gold and silver flow Eastward just the other day uh three Fridays ago $500 million worth of


gold was delivered to Brinks Hong Kong which is a comx facility by the way and


and they're all in kilo bars which is ironically what trades at the Shanghai Gold Exchange it's as if they are uh


draining our exchanges having them sent over in exchange for physical to places like Brinks Hong Kong and then trucked


over to the Shanghai Gold Exchange I think that when you talk about how high gold and silver will get it will go


higher than um people think possible because it's as if it's playing by a new set of rules the the the price action


the resiliency um is unlike anything I've seen they hit it it comes right back up


um I think that the currency that buys these Commodities um is not as valuable as the


Commodities themselves this is zultan posar saying Breton Woods 3 Breton Woods one when we took over for the pound


sterling Breton Woods 2 when we became the Petro dollar and that may be over right now and brettonwoods 3 A system


that will be all about Commodities you look at the Chinese they bought the London Metals exchange recently that's not the bullion lbma but it's the lme


which is all the base Metals um copper zinc you know you name it I already read to you that they control the majority of


all the rare Earths you know Russia produces more wheat than the West does China struck deals on the Belt Road all


around the world in in you know under industrialized countries to help bring their Commodities their natural


resources to the fold so you are are witnessing system that is breaking away from opaque debt Promises by a broke


insolvent and viewed as a hypocritical Nation to to one of Commodities and transparency this is real and how high


does it go I don't know higher than anyone thinks possible would be my guess and I don't know if it happens between


now and the end of the year but you can see when you see the central banks which are the most not only the most


well-funded but but the most well-informed traders in the world bu at levels that we are seeing right now it


should tell you when you see India take a 100 metric tons back from the bank of England when you see Saudi Arabia and


Egypt who just joined bricks bring all their gold back from the New York fed when you see the bundas bank the bank of


Austria Hungary turkey Poland the Czech National Bank they did the same thing too bought brought all their gold back


from the New York fed in the Bank of England um when you see turkey be one of the largest buyers of gold in the world


and apply to Bricks these are all things that are happening and there's no coincidence in fact the the global gold


Supply right now is as with the central banks is basically as high as it was right before Nixon closed the gold


window it's as if these these people in the no are preparing for a gold standard gold has now just outpaced the Euro for


the first time ever in terms of Holdings and Central Bank holdings and you know


so it's number three dollars gold Euros what is gold it's the only other tier one asset so the significance of it is


huge in a system that lacks trust that wants to inspire trust it will have to be backed by some


and for the bis which is the most powerful Bank on the planet the central bank or Central Bank to reclassify gold


as the only other tier one asset in the world and to see the central banks buy it and repatriate it removing


counterparty risk the way that they are I don't know if it's by the end of the year or or later or sooner I would just


simply say in a world of no guarantees and probabilities the probability of gold outpacing people's expectations to


me is extraordinary it will go higher than anyone thinks possible and you take out the Central Bank


manipulation that forever has been orchestrated on the comx and on the lbma


where the lbma right now trades almost three billion ounces of silver per day that's that's that's three and a half


times Global Mine Supply where they're trading 200 million ounces of gold per day that's not normal and you know they


only have I don't know how many ounces of gold that they only have 300 million ounces of silver yet they're trading


almost three billion I'm not not sure how many ounces of gold the lbm has but the point of it is the rehypothecation


of all of these Metals by the bullion banks in the west have created an environment where the price has been muted and they didn't want the price to


rise because they wanted everyone happy in in in Western currencies and investing in Western treasuries and


western western um assets that made the Western Bankers wealthy well the game is


changing because now you have countries wealthy enough coordinated enough sophisticated enough to stand for


delivery and they're draining the exchange using these make Bel prices in years past no one stood for delivery it


was just a way to hedge exposure or to gamble now there're standing for delivery and standing for delivery means


these naked contracts this rehypothecation is enough to put companies Banks or hedge funds out of


business like that and so yeah it's it's different when I say gold and silver tra are playing by a new set of rules I mean


that um and I think you will see this come to a head at some point but how


high does it go by the end of the year I don't know and to make a guess would only be a guess but I will say higher


than people think possible over time and you buy it not for that reason you don't


buy it to get wealthy you buy it because it is wealth that has outlived everything the world's ever thrown at it


and now you know the more things change the more they stay the same here we are again the central Bankers who know the


Playbook buying and possessing repatriating from the bank of England I.E the lbma and the New York fed I.E


the comac we don't want you holding our medals we don't trust you anymore you've proven


untrustworthy we see the amount of Leverage the amount of rehypothecation we see the risk in holding your assets


are you holding our assets and it's time to break free into a new system that will be about transparency Commodities


and physical possession which removes any and all counterparty risk and that's what these Commodities offer is is an


escape from that type of of confiscation of assets and when you see the us who


just voted to to to take the 5 billion that we're holding and turn it into


Munitions and give it to the Ukraine and the 280 billion that the European Union is holding and take the interest from


those Securities and use it to give to the Ukraine for rebuilding it for for


all sorts of things including weapons that's a whole different thing and I think no one will ever trust us again


Lena I think you cross that line you break that trust you shatter that trust there will be consequences which brings


me back full full circle to title of my speech that I'm giving in bokeh here


next month at Rick rules conference and I wanted to call it as it too stupid to be stupid I I turned it a little bit


more political but you have to ask yourself with Jared Bernstein being the lead economic adviser a man who


advocates for losing the reserve status um with number two being L brainer a


modern monetary theorist who wants to see the banks collapse wants to see a central bank issued digital currency


could these things actually be possible is it is it possible that we let the country go to Hell by letting people in


and destabilizing it and creating disunity by by having people question the the Cornerstone of this country the


the judicial system the electoral system the immigration system the wokeness that we see could it be that we we told the


Saudis we're going green and and and then go on this this weaponization um sanction binge you look


around and you could see why the hell would these countries want to hold our treasuries when they not only with all of the stuff I just said they've


performed like crap over the last year and a half and we're choosing inflation over austerity and inflating currency an


unstable bond market that can be confiscated and a country that is no longer the beacon of light at least at


outward appearance that it once was and you have to ask yourself is this stuff just too stupid to actually not be


planned I don't know it it feels that way to some degree either that or the people who are supposed supposedly our


elected leaders are are um leading us down a very dark path where uh hopefully


we can pull up from it here over the next few months but God help us if not if this current Administration stays in


office again I think we're in big trouble and I think you need to prepare as if that's the


case Andy thank you so much this was a fascinating conversation as always um


how can our viewers contact you yeah and I hope you invite me back again because you know this is why I


don't talk about this stuff at parties or with friends unless they ask me because really it doesn't


portray happy exciting news but I would rather know what's coming and be able to


get out of the way of it and and not just survive maybe even Thrive than be run over by it Lena I hope I'm wrong and


you know what scares me more than anything is that this stuff that I've been talking about in I don't know 3,000


videos since 2019 that are still out there I've been right and I don't take


joy in that I mean it scares me actually the stuff that I've talked about when everyone thought I was crazy in 2019


saying the Saud would dump the Petro dollar and the bricks would come big and strong and all of these things that have


happened I'm frightened by it so what do I do I I I try to distance myself from


traditional assets I try to remove counterparty risk uh if you want to buy gold and silver please put in the


subject line Lena sent me we will give you white glove service we will send you a price list that we don't publish that


will be as good or better than anywhere in in the country uh we will answer any questions that you heard on this or


previous shows or anything that you have questions about IRAs you name it um we'd


love to earn your business that's what I do I I look at gold and silver as escape from The Matrix I try and be completely


objective and and the only other place that I have felt comfortable to put my own money over the last six months to a


year has been really really really short-term us treasuries 6 months in duration or less and I don't know where


else to put it yes I own a precious metals company but I believe enough in it and what it represents in terms of


removal of counterparty risk and an asset base or asset class that is being


voraciously accumulated by the central banks who know the Playbook they're not just the wealthiest or the most


well-informed so please take it for what it's worth yes I think people should buy precious metals whether it be for me or


anyone else and I think that people should do the best they can to get out of debt and prepare and um that's what I


would do and if you have other assets you don't want to put it all into Metals go to that goes right


to the US uh treasury you you disintermediate the risk of the banking


sector and you can buy I don't know six month 90day


treasuries that um will I think give you the liquidity you want and and take a


lot of the risk in the banking sector out of the equation and if the government fails we're all in trouble so


that's what I would do and I would love to talk with your listeners if they have questions for me again info@ miles

1:01:35 direct them to me I will try and get to as many as I can and um I


really love coming on your show Lena I hope you'll have me back because I think the next few months will be the craziest


few months of my career and I would love to ride shotgun with you a little bit more and and you know talk about it as


things start to unfold thanks Andy I look forward to having you back thanks Lena



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