Saturday, July 13, 2024

End of Petrodollar? Start of a New Monetary Order? Can This Be Stopped? ...




Coming Up, Recap of Part 1


yeah I would argue the West has already lost its hegemony we haven't lost our Supremacy but the hegemony is gone the


it or the bang is when everyone in a coordinated fashion realizes that what has been done slowly and methodically is


inevitable and we need to get out of dollars now but the all at once moment


when it becomes when the collective awareness of the world realizes this is a trend that is happening and that we


are moving away from a country that is immeasurably indebted we will never pay


this off we will either inflate we will default or we will find a villain and I think they've chosen what's behind door


number three to find a villain to me the big picture is exactly what zolam posar says it's a system that's all about


Commodities I think gold will outperform just about everyone's expectations because it will be the


Cornerstone to inspiring trust in whatever new system arises if president


Trump does win he has said that he would tackle this he has addressed this issue


uh he has expressed strong opposition to countries moving away from the dollar he


understands how important it is he has compared it to losing a revolutionary war can this be reversed do you


see perhaps a conflict a war as a way of


fighting back for this Reserve currency Reserve asset


[Music] status on the SP spot with Michelle mcy


is brought to you by Swan Bitcoin previously in part one of this interview


in a major shift Saudi Arabia has let the Petro dollar agreement expire opting


to sell oil in multiple currencies instead of exclusively using the US


dollar the agreement of the past 50 years expired on June 9th now the so-called Petro Dollar Deal reportedly


stipulated that Saudi Arabia would price its oil export exclusively in us dollarss and invest its Surplus oil


revenues in US Treasury Bonds in exchange the US would provide Military


Support and Protection to the kingdom this helped the US dollar cement its position as the world's Reserve currency


and ushered in an era of American Prosperity so Saudi Arabia now looking


to move Beyond an exclusive relationship with the US marks a significant change


in global economic Dynamics and could have far-reaching implications for the US Dollar's dominance the the theory


really would be that as those dollars are way more dollars outside the US than


are inside the us because of the stockpiling to buy oil for for 50 years


and as those dollars come home and and are sold back to the issuer because no


one wants to hold them anymore now it hasn't turned out to a into a full-fledged dumping which I could see


it turning into that at some point but there still is demand for the dollar as you mentioned still does represent 58%


of of global reserves and there is dollar denominated debt that needs to be paid off but little by little by little


I call it logarithmic Decay little by little by little by little it starts to chip away as those dollars are no longer


there's no longer a necessity to hold them and as those dollars start to come home inflation rates would go higher and


higher and higher and higher and heaven forbid it's a dumping there's something out there called project Sandman that


basically say there's a whole group of 150 175 countries that have agreed to do


just that to dump dollars and treasuries at a pre predetermined time the question


is is it orderly or is it chaotic but as those dollars come home the level of inflation Rises as those currency units


are added to the currency base here which would then raise interest rates and when that happens that's when you


start to get into problems where as rates rise things that in this country that make people feel wealthy their


stock Holdings their bond Holdings their real estate holdings and the money held in the bank are all inversely correlated


to that moment and the overleveraging of the banks in particular is a real big


problem here but if you think about it if this happened all at once if it was all at once it would be catastrophic


they're putting it together and doing it the right way methodically regimented and when they say now uh it'll be a


religious experience cuz that's when everyone that's when you would see the dumping a massive dumping yes it is a


big deal regardless of what they are telling you about the Petro Dollar Deal being a nothing Burger it is not a


nothing Burger so Andy you're saying regardless

Introduction: The End of Fiat Currency?


the era of fiat currency is done and again Fiat means by decree Latin for by


decree and essentially currencies you know backed by nothing what is the timeline and I always ask you this and


it seems to accelerate every time we speak but you see you know what is the


ultimate fate of the dollar that you're seeing here and under what timeline Play Play that out for


us you know Michelle I I see things some


things I've see have seen clearly none of it ever comes with a time frame in a


world of probabilities um I think there's a high probability that this happens I don't


know the time frame but it is accelerating tremendously um I wish I could answer


that question it would be nothing but a guess you know here I'll show you I had a painting commission that says it all I


don't know if you can see it see that little by little then all at once right


that that is my take on things sorry that is my


take on things it's going to be little by little than all at once that's logarithmic Decay you can see the logarithmic decay in in society in in in


our finances the way the moral fabric of this country the way we are viewed around the world the loss of the Petro

The Inevitable Collapse


dollar standard the deuri the weaponization all of these things are happening little by little by little by


little bang when is that bang don't know but if you look I think people know that


there's something wrong and even if you can't articulate it you know something's wrong and I don't know how fast before


it breaks but I can tell you that you don't wait for it to break you don't


wait for your house to be on fire to pay your your your home insurance premium and you you don't wait until you're on


death store to do your life insurance and it's one of these deals where I think you take a look at all of the


facts and and and weigh them and say that this is a trend that appears to be


gaining Steam and I mean look the few times that we've spoken everything we've talked about seems to be happening and


accelerating I'm not a soothsayer this is the only thing in my career that I've seen clearly and it freaks me out


because I had the courage in 2019 and 2020 and ever since in 3,000 YouTube


videos say this and and it's documented and it's happening and it scares me it does because I it scares me how fast


it's happening and I don't see the time when I think about it and I don't see what happens after it happens it's


really what is the it Andy just just articulate as clearly as you can the it


the bang what does that mean what does that mean for Americans the it or the bang is when everyone in a coordinated


fashion realizes that what has been done slowly and methodically is inevitable and we need to get out of dollars now


and when you realize that everything in this country that makes people people feel wealthy is inversely correlated to


a spike in interest rates and and it allows us to have a villain that villain


is Xi jingping and Putin and OPEC how could they do it to us that all at once moment which starts out where the


Insiders know what's happening and that's why you see this little by little by little part that that's the PE that's


where the people blow it off as as inconsequential in a nothing burger and it will never happen could never happen


here right look at all the things that have happened in the last three years that could never happen here well these people because of its slow methodical uh


Pace this little by little they could never think it could happen here and they blow it off and poo poo it but the


all at once moment when it becomes when the collective awareness of the world


realizes this is a trend that is happening and that we are moving away from a country that is immeasurably


indebted over 200 million a trillion trillion a trillion seconds ago was


3,688 years ago we will never pay this off we will either inflate we will default or we will find a villain and I


think they've chosen what's behind door number three to find a villain to incentivize and we've talked about Jared


Bernstein before a man the lead economic adviser this knucklehead who's he's the


lead guy who's just talking into Biden here telling him what to do he wants to lose the reserve status well what better


way to do it than to weaponize the dollar and and go sign an executive order to go green allow the Coalition of


all these countries to to find safety and numbers and then let the country fall apart back at home when you talk


about the realization that this is real and people then go from wow it's not a


nothing burger and run that's when it becomes real I don't know when that is when is the collective realization could


be next week could be 3 years from now I don't know but the inevitability of it to me is that we are watching a shift of


of natural resources and of power move from the West to the East and at some


point that will become I think um evident to the masses when that happens


that's the it and that's when it happens just like that's the all at once when you go over the waterfall I I appreciate


that interactive camera work there by the way Andy showing us your artwork and an insight into your office and again a


reminder to our viewers Jared Bernstein the chairman of President Biden's Council of economic advisors uh and he


penned an oped in the New York Times back in 2014 titled Dethrone King doah


and in it Bernstein wrote that new research reveals that was once a privilege is now a burden and to get the


American economy back on track the government mean needs to drop its commitment to maintaining the Dollar's


Reserve currency status and then back in 2018 Bernstein wrote another oped in the


Washington Post stating that if one consequence of the Trump era is that the dollar loses some degree of its Reserve


status I will consider that a good thing so you know people within the Biden


Administration saying that they want this sort of leads to one of the


arguments you've made before um where you say that this is perhaps you know by


Design not even an accident yeah I think it's too stupid to be stupid I do I mean


you can't make it up and and that's why I want people to spend a few minutes researching the cloward Piven Theory


because guess what Jared Bernstein as as did President Obama both went to

U.S. Government


Columbia University where cloward and Piven a husband and wife um uh they were


husband and wife uh professors they they present a plan to overwhelm the system


with government spending and entitlement programs let me just read you three or four tenants of it one it's as if they


are purposely overwhelming the US economy to create systemic failure destroying capitalism and our country


from within cloward and Piven specifically mentioned targeting America's largest cities for their col


colossal welfare push the primary objective of the strategy is to create chaos with the hopes of destroying


America's capitalistic economy and replacing it with a socialist system that includes guaranteed incomes a


massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare roles the point of surging welfare claims is to enroll as many many


individuals as it takes to send the United States into an economic crisis we'll think of 17 million people in here


cloward and Piven reveal the best way to achieve their goals is to create a new loyal voting block out of the rapidly


increasing number of welfare recipients by delivering millions of dollars in cash benefits to the masses expecting


the masses will deliver their loyalty to their benefactors develop an army of loyal surfs who will work to destroy


America whether knowingly or unknowingly all these illegal immigrant children will be added to the welfare roles and


can be counted on to vote for larger government furthermore both cloward and Piven agreed that the mainstream media


would play a critical role in their organized attack against America to quote cloward and Piven as the crisis


developments develops it will be important to use the mass media to inform the broader liberal Community about the inefficiencies and injustices


of welfare now think about all of this stuff and ask yourself is it possible


that this is what they are actually trying to do I mean Obama went there a


as did as did uh let's see Bill bar Eric Holder mine Albright Jared Bernstein


they all went there in the 60s and cloward and Piven were teaching now I


don't know if they they learned from them or after them but this was a tenant that was taught at Colombia now I mean


fine line between conspiracy and reality but when you read that and think about it they are overwhelming the inner


cities they are overwhelming the the entitlement system they are the left leaning media doesn't do a bad job they


do no job of telling us what's going on except create divisiveness and all of this stuff you can't make it up is it


too stupid to be stupid did we really let all these people into our country is our electoral system Fair do people go


up to bed at night after the the the votes start getting tabulate tabulated in November and wonder are they going to


wake up to something different is the justice system deploying um equally the


Justice equally or is there two tiered all of these things you start to wonder and then look at what's happening to the


inner cities and and ask yourself is it too stupid to be stupid or is it not


could it be planned is this the foundation to incentivize the world like


via the operation sammen dump the dollars in the treasuries create a massive surge of inflation interest


rates Spike to the moon and everything resets dollars uh the banks the


insurance companies the stock market the bond market everything but have no fear because guess who's here L brainer the


number two at the US government for economic policy she worked at the treasury she worked under Powell at the


fed and if if somehow this current Administration um keeps power she will


lead the fed and she was number two under Powell and she is a modern monetary theorist she developed the cbdc


while at the FED with MIT she ran point for fed now which came out six months ago which is venmo on steroids backed by


the fed this is what she wants calling of all the banks a central bank issued


digital currency print print print start over and the interesting thing Michelle that I don't think we've talked about is


look at the the unfunded liabilities Medicare Medicaid Social Security government military pensions who's that owed to that's us how about all the


treasuries who's been selling them oh yeah that's all them who's been buying them oh yeah that's all us the hedge


funds money markets mutual funds and every one of us chasing yield leaving the banks buying treasuries so it's a


whole hell of a lot easier to default on us where only I don't know 20 25% of the


debt is owed to them it's all owed to us we are so sorry this happened Michelle just sign on the dotted line we know you


lost everything take the cbdc we'll make you whole and this is all about pride


and and nationalism and patriotism because they did this to us so when you talk about do we fall on the sword and


default do we inflate which leads to default or do we just find a villain and


that's why when I'm giving a a talk next month at um Rick ru's conference here in


Boke I was bummed to hear you won't be there but um I know your company will be


there but you won't the title of my first speech was going to be it's too stupid to be stupid but now it's


something a little bit more political I just it's the same thing could we really be that foolish to think all of these


things that we've done around the globe and at home are are won't have consequences or or are are the people


not that stupid and really realizing this is how you you you get to option three and that is to find a villain that


will be make people universally accept a cbdc when the dollar gets forsaken now I


don't know if that happens or not everything I said up until that point is factual but I guess you just have to let


your mind wander a little bit everything the that you've said uh you know has


played out and you know our viewers know that nothing keeps me up at night more than woring about a central bank digital


currency a reminded to our viewers a form of Fiat issued by a country Central Bank uh which is on the blockchain so or


some kind of blockchain so there's no privacy there's no anonymity that's completely obliterated and most


problematic is that it's programmable meaning they can decide when that currency works or doesn't work and and


they decide what transactions will be allowed and it could also like fine-tune monetary policy and just sort of inject


money back into the system or suck money out of the system with with a c about that you're right that's one of the


tenants of it but that's why you have to have an event that make people who are smart like you and the people who listen


to you be willing to take it because if I were betting man I'd say you'd never take it if you had your choice have no


choice right Wipe Out the system and then say well you can't use this anymore but here here's your digital wallet with


a cbdc and you have no choice but to do that I want to focus on perhaps what


could derail this and you mentioned the elections uh president Trump has been very vocal against a cbdc for one thing


um some have also argued that this would not have happened under President Trump although arguably the debt issue long

Potential Solutions and Political Implications


precedes the Trump Administration but some would say that part of the weakness of the Biden Administration you know


coupled with a relationship with the Saudis coupled with the Afghanistan withdrawal you know sort of accelerated


this whole process the question though is you know can this be reversed if


Trump somehow wins the election and many have questioned the Integrity of that


process and of our justice system as you've just kind of touched on but we won't unpack that in too much detail but


let's just say if president Trump does win he has said that he would tackle


this he has addressed this issue uh he has expressed strong opposition to countries moving away from the dollar he


understands how important it is he has compared it to losing Revolutionary War in fact uh in March he told CNBC that he


would just not allow countries to go off the dollar because losing that standard would be like losing a revolutionary war


that will be a major hit to the US let's quickly play that uh Trump sound bite from then and get your thoughts on the


other side I hate when countries go off the dollar I would not allow countries


to go off the dollar because when we lose that standard that will be like


losing a revolution AR war that will be that will be a hit to our country just


like losing a war and we can't let that happen and too many countries now are


fighting to get off the dollar so Andy president Trump gets the picture that you're painting he gets that this is


really going to hurt the American economy America's standing on the world stage and Americans living daytoday


trying to pay for the grocery blls that's going to become a heck of a lot worse let's assume somehow


president Trump wins the election right is there anything that can be done at


this stage even if that means going to war what what can be done he is a smart


man and and he say what you want about his sometimes


buffoonery uh the way he would speak I would take his policies any day over the


current Administration and and God help us if he doesn't win it would be just be my personal decision um or opinion but I


I don't like here again the continuation of sanctions and threats and you know


he's talking about sanctioning countries who would who would join the bricks or would not use the dollar and he's


talking about a massive devaluation of the dollar you know choosing inflation lowering rates and inflating and


devaluing the dollar what that just means it's easier to pay off our mountain of debt he may keep the ball up


in the air a little bit longer and he may Inspire concern and fear by some of our foes who are not afraid at all all


of the current Administration and he may make things better I don't know if we've crossed that Rubicon Michelle part of me


feels like we have and I wish I wasn't so concerned about you know the fairness


of the election process um and and indeed if we will wake up again to


another questioning of the electoral system either way you look at it let's


just say he wins I say we have a better chance of pulling out of this nose dive look Americans have done the best with


Back Against The Wall the one thing that we need that that I don't know that either candidate is capable of doing is


inspiring unity in this country we need to be United in order to pull ourselves up we need to all be Americans


regardless of where we've come from uh and the Biden Administration has done an amazing job at fostering um a lack of


unity and resentment and at least in my opinion so can he fix it look if he goes


around the world imposing sanctions again and all of these kinds of things that we've been doing for a very long


time I would say the chances are no um but if if if we can go around the world


and do things in a more Cooperative fashion and show the value of the American Spirit and American Ingenuity


and and it' be great to have some American manufacturing and all of these things that once made this country the


beacon of of uh of everything Liberty Justice Freedom all of the things that


that I talked about that seem to be kind of fading away then no so I guess we'll have to see but


I will tell you that we have zero chance if the Democratic party stays in off in office and a better chance of of at


least pulling out of this no nose dive if Trump wins but even his policy of massive dollar devel devaluation and of


um uh weaponization or again sanctions if people do leave us well they're


leaving you for a reason and instead of sanctioning them and locking the door and and going to bed without dinner you


might as well find an incentive and show how we can benefit one another by staying together and that's something


that I hope is not you know a a ideal an ideal from an era gone by I don't know I


I really don't I can't answer that but to say we have a much better chance if he wins that's for sure but but okay so


you know you've got onshoring production which has been uh a trump Administration


policy arguably we've even seen the Biden ad Administration sort of catch one to this right now and I get your


point that some in the Biden Administration want this have spoken that this is what they want to do and


it's easier to find a villain but even within the Biden Administration even within the old school establishment you


would have to say that there are some that do not want to lose this privilege of being the global Reserve currency


right that not everybody wants to have this great reset and that there are


people within the American uh government Republican or Democrat


that for the power that it represents would still like to keep the Dollar on


top that sure as hell like to hope so yeah I would but but so so what so the option is right but we still have a


problem as we've said um that is accelerating and that we've got this debt that just servicing this debt is is


costing the What annual defense budget if not more at this point the expression is when all else fails they take you to


war right and if we remember how the dollar got uh the status it was after World War II Breton Woods one was after


the US help the Allies win the war we're currently seeing you know proxy wars


happening around the world Russia Ukraine being one of them do you


see perhaps a conflict a war as a way of


fighting back for this Reserve currency Reserve asset status for those


Republican uh or or democrat that don't want this could that be a way to


reassert American dominance and again certainly not rooting for a war but could that be a way I would sure hell I


would sure as hell hope not and here again when you talk that could change it though I mean couldn't that change that


if you have some massive war and and and the US comes out on top and then everybody starts to fear America again


and they they rethink this again assuming the US comes out on top and and and who knows then they kind of go well


you know better get back on team dollar well let me put it to this way I have a friend that I play golf with who is


friends with President Trump and plays golf with them once a month and and we talked about it just the other day and


and he said that these countries feared him and he he said they respected but


more more they they feared him they feared what he would do and you know he


he would tell me stories about what he would say to president Chi if he invaded Taiwan and and the things he would say


to North Korea to to Kim and again this is all I'm hearing this you know third


party but yeah maybe I mean again yes I think it's a it's it's what is needed


for sure uh we need to have strength we need to show that you know I think we need to go back to the American ideals


and that's you know and and that that's also part of the deal but yes I think we have a better chance if if Trump is in


the White House to to Forstall these things but God help us if we get into a hot war with you know a country like


China or a country like uh Russia you know I live in in in Southern Florida here and there are nuclear powerered


right submarines Russian submarines 60 miles away from me is that something I take comfort in hell but but but Andy


what if uh Russia loses a swore you know because even the Biden Administration has become more aggressive in funding


the conflict and we can get into how this conflict started in the first place and whether the Biden Administration


provoked Putin into that that's again a whole other conversation we don't have time for right now but let's assume


Russia loses this war somehow right it really starts to amp up and there's more


of a Western Alliance here does does that make this process uh slow down


reconsider because as we said Putin has been one of the biggest players in pushing the dollarization trend in


calling for a new system should Putin get taken out Russia loses the war does


that change the equation you know you had all of the bricks just refused to sign this


agreement about you know trying to end the war and and because Russia wasn't at the table you have half of these these


the Southern Hemisphere or those aligned with the bricks who are on the side of Russia in this deal and and if they lose


the war it will be because either NATO or the United States ramped up their their um interest in this which can all


lead to a very dark place Michelle I don't even want to think about going into a War World War III with with you


know with high-tech Weaponry the way that it is and and Hypersonic missiles and and all of these things let's just


really hope for the best and hope that doesn't happen but yeah I mean that's what they've done no question about it


um and and we're more guilty of that than anyone and so could it happen sure it could will it happen let's hope not


let's you know let's hope that there's some decorum what should be more frightening is letting 17 million people


into this country many of which are unvetted who have ties to terrorist


organizations who think they're a martyr by doing awful things and they don't worry about Mutual Annihilation and


that's a bigger threat to me is what happens to I mean have we been invaded are there terrorist cells here the FBI


seems to think so and again 5% of 17 million well that's that's a lot you


know you're 8 900,000 people that's a lot of damage to me that's the real threat you know I just read an article


and and and they'll they'll admit to this that every single day these these Navy installations and military


installations are being you you have all these Chinese Nationals I just read it in mainstream article last night that


they they have to turn away these Chinese Nationals who are who are going and taking pictures of military


installations even in very rural areas and say their sight so I mean could it be could there be a


could there be a 1% chance that some of these people are not here for the right reasons I don't know I think you could


do a lot of damage to this country without getting into a hot War just by simply letting these people in who have


want to have their way with this country and could do an awful lot of damage do we get into a hot work God help us if we


do I hope not I mean I I haven't put a lot of thought into that simply to think that that you know one wants to see


their grandkids grow up you know and they're I mean let's hope that that doesn't happen but the you know these


fundamentalists who who think they're they're they're going they're being a martyr by doing these horrible things


you have to ask yourself you know is it really wise to have an open border and let these people in when we are as


polarizing as we are that to me is more of a pressing issue again I'm just seeing what could


potentially derail this playing out and and very quickly Andy I know we've touched on this before but the other


issue that could potentially uh prevent the bricks from this coordinated you


know operation Sandman or even the the gradual cooperation to dump the dollar


is Discord within the bricks right that maybe the more members you have the harder it is to get agreement uh that


between you know China and India there's already some Discord when it comes to coming up with some common currency


we've got Iran and Saudi Arabia in the bricks and despite some recent superficial agreements they have a


longstanding hostility and basically the idea is you know there isn't that much of an


alliance between all these members maybe they they've tried to do things before in the past that's failed can they get


it right if they're not all on the same page and they may all be jostling for superiority within this organization so


as as a counter to the bricks are so United and will be able to get agreement


what do you say to that I think these are all good points and possibilities my enemy's friend is my you know my enemy's


enemy is my friend yeah type of thing it plays out yeah I mean sure all of these are are valid points the progression


still continues where 59 countries want to join now at some point it has to be taken for real but yeah I mean this is


not this is a big deal this is a once in a generation shift and either we find a


way to inspire confidence and and reunite Unity um and and pull up for


this from this nose dive or we don't I guess only time will tell I but I think


to ignore what has already happened is a mistake and and I think for people to say yeah these countries don't like or


trust each other but what's the alternative do they like and trust us so


what's the lesser of two evils I don't know but Michelle all I can tell you is that for the first time in in I don't


know how many years for the first time in in at least in 50 60 70 years there


seems to be a challenger that's coming up in the ranks and is it going to be


legitimate will they have all it takes to to challenge the the West we'll see I would argue the West has already lost


its hemony we haven't lost our Supremacy but the hegemony is gone now we'll see what happens with the supremacy but to


to not prepare for it to not even have it on your radar screen as some of these


chief financial analyst have is is just as big of a mistake as you know as as


going all in on the bricks I think you have to legitimize it hope it doesn't materialize to the detriment of this C


country but but understand that it has the possibility to greatly upset the apple cart should it begin or continue


to accentuate right okay so as we start a wrap up here Andy let's bring it back


to two assets and we'll start off with gold because obviously this all hinges

The Role of Gold and Bitcoin


quite dramatically on gold as we've discussed uh again every time you spoke you have correctly said that gold is


going to continue to make new record highs it has done so since we last spoke it did hit another record high this year


what's your outlook on gold going um into the end of 2024 and and perhaps any kind of time


Horizon that you feel comfortable with yeah I would I would tell you that


there's a very high probability that by the end of 2024 it's much higher uh I


will continue to make new highs yeah gold will in in terms of dollar highs


and look I think it will go higher than anyone thinks possible I'll put it to that way and in particular if it will be


pegged to a new system whether it be bricks or west it will have to be much much higher it's funny if you look at


all of the central banks and their their balance sheets gold is held in an account by the name of the gold


revaluation account and you got you know you got the the the Finance Minister or


the the head of the Dutch National Bank who said we should revalue gold to get our balance sheet in order that's what


that's what uh um is happened here in the United States before uh you know


right over my shoulder and and would it happen again I don't know but I do believe the only thing that I can tell


you out of 34 years in finance is that markets go higher to the upside than anyone ever thinks possible and fall to


the downside more than anyone thinks possible I think gold will outperform just about everyone's expectations


because it will be the Cornerstone to inspiring trust in whatever new system


arises so higher than anyone thinks possible what is the time frame don't know I don't see things in a shortterm


prism I only look at the inevitability or the big picture and to me the big picture is exactly what zolam posar says


it's a system that's all about Commodities and they're because of the distortion on the exchanges that can reh


hypothecate and sell over and over over and over and over again the same amount of contracts we really don't even know


what the real price of gold and silver should be but it's a lot higher than it is right now I know that and and I would


bet that the next time we talk it will be markedly higher than it is today so


Andy many see the same scenario the same concerns the same things playing out in


the world stage as you do and have articulated it that way but they see


Bitcoin as the solution or part of the solution they see Bitcoin as the reserve


asset the the digital gold truly decentralized truly limited Supply or as


part of this basket of Commodities that um the the new block currency by the


bricks and others would you know be pecked to where do you see Bitcoin in


all of this not as not as any type of Reserve asset because you will you'll


never get the people in charge to allow a descent centralized platform you know


to be the central bank will not Embrace a decentralized platform I'm not a Bitcoin hater I've been buying it I had


I had um some interesting discussions with Mark moss and Natalie Bernell uh in


Vancouver last year and they opened my eyes to you know dipping my toe into the water and I


have been every few weeks I've been adding a little bit of Bitcoin and I think it's something where these two


camps should be United and not divide it should not be adversarial we we all see the same thing and that is problems with


the system the difference is it seems to me the Bitcoin Community is more inclined to make profits whereas the


gold Community is more inclined to keep those profits that's why there's such a a a


beneficial uh Union between the two where you know it's they're complimentary to one another but I do


not see it as playing the role of of any any central bank system I don't see that


at at all but I do think it has validity to it and I think it does have lasting


sticking power if you will but in my heart I am I I want to be able to touch


it and hold it and feel it but I don't want to go through life saying damn it I knew I should have done that and why didn't I do it it was right there in


front of me I missed enough of its run already so that I'm okay just adding a


little bit but um I don't see it look all the central banks of the world own gold they don't all own Bitcoin I think


it is an interesting proposition but not one that I think will be part of any global system but it could very well


have very lasting power as as an asset and um one that that has still probably


has great potential but I don't think that the governments will embrace it not embrace it again as part of this basket


I I get not embrace it as the reserve asset but if they're going for this B yeah why not I mean the Finance Minister


glev said it will be a basket of commodi now I do believe it's it's viewed as


personal property by by uh the Fed so I mean is that a commodity I'm not sure


but I could see it as part of part of an asset class or or part of a basket of


things that have a mutability and veracity and that's exactly what it has a mutab mutability and veracity the one


piece to it is the decentralization and I don't know how that plays out but I I


could see that um I guess have to see it wouldn't surprise me that if it were


added to a small degree to a basket of those assets or Commodities that back a


new system anything that will inspire uh confidence and you know you talk to to


guys like Mark Mosser or Natalie Brunell they'll they'll give you a million reasons why it should Inspire um


confidence and enough pushed me enough in the direction where I actually have gone out and been buying it and adding


it I've been buying gold and silver every two weeks for 34 years I told you long ago that was the promise I made my


dad when we started this company in 1989 but I've been adding since February of


this year a little bit of Bitcoin every two weeks so I don't have to punch myself in the ear somewhere down the


road saying why was I so you know pigheaded and and married to my own ideology so I'm open-minded enough


remember my parents were hippies growing up and so I'm okay I'm open-minded to everything lifestyle or or differences


of opinions and that's one of the things that's missing in this country is we all have no time to listen to anyone else's


opinion and I thank Mark and Natalie for taking me to lunch and opening my eyes and if we never listen to other opinions


we don't grow and we learn more and more about less and less till we know everything about nothing do I think


Bitcoin will replace gold hell no but I do think that it it has a role and and a


fair one in where in in where we are right now so yeah maybe a small piece


anyway to your to your point well you know we always appreciate your opinion Mark Moss Natalie Bernell they've both


been on Kitco news and we always love hearing from them Andy final thoughts


because we love hearing from our viewers we read the comments and some of the


push back against you is like well he's just talking his book he likes to generate fear he's selling quote unquote

Final Thoughts


fear porn because Andy is just talking his book because you ultimately sell gold and silver so as a final thought


what do you say to those let be honest if you let me be honest on that one and as poignant as it is people who have


said that have never owned a business people have said that have never worked their ass off to do something and build


something from scratch and are so cynical that they think that being a good human being and trying to help your


you know your fellow man and woman looking yourself in the mirror every night you know when you meet your maker


someday and you know what the hell did you do to help this world they think that has to be mutually exclusive from


running a business and you know my business has generated 10 billion in sales I'm doing just fine I don't need


to be on these podcasts where I expose myself and my family to that type of


stuff and luckily I don't get that much of it but that is always the common well if he likes it so much why is he selling


it I mean duh like I mean it's it's just some of the questions are so dumb but the point of it is is that no one asked


me that question you know when I started this company from scratch before the internet and I built this


business for for 34 years and never had a customer complaint by doing what


you're supposed to do in this country build a good business use the the the the laws of capitalism and good


intentions to to build a good business and when people say that it aggravates


me to no one because no I'm not talking my book and it does not have to be mutually exclusive of one another a good


business and doing the right thing and for those people who say that they'll never believe me that that's my


intention but I promise you as God is my witness that is my intention I feel like


I'm contributing a little bit to to the world and if that means I get out here


and you know how much I know you know how much prep work goes into speaking to


Someone Like You for an hour it ain't easy and you have to be prepared and you have to study and you have to research


and you have to be coherent at least a little bit anyway and I I feel that this


is it makes me happy to know that I'm trying and I see my kids see how hard I


work and how much passion I have in it I've been buying gold and silver every two weeks for 34 years that's how much I


believe in it and so no Michelle um I'm not talking my book and running a


business for you'll never hear that from a business owner and running a business and trying to do right by people do do


not have to be mutually exclusive and that is the sadness of how cynical this world has become where people feel that


way so to their point I get it I understand it but it's not me and I wish


that the world was less cynical and more understanding and actually think that people are are meant to do good things


and be more cynical of people who were doing not doing good things but anyways


that's I'll I'll let that go just simply saying I love what I do and I try to do right and that's why in 10 billion in


sales we've never had a customer complaint ever I've pissed people off but I've made right by it and I would


never I would never get on a channel and try and say things just to ring the cash


register that would be exposed and defrauded just like that well I certainly appreciate your contribution


and can certainly appreciate and acknowledge the fact that you're just trying to do right by everyone so Andy


it's true again thank you for doing right by me I know I take a lot of your time and I know I like to push back on


you just to challenge the thesis but it's always a pleasure chatting with you even though told you I'm sorry I was


going to say even though what you say h tends to scare me as it comes to fruition but it's it's always a pleasure


getting your insights Andy it scares me and I've told you I've told you this three times I'll tell you again you're you're the best in the business I've


never met anyone or been interviewed by anyone who ask the right questions and pushes back politely and makes me think


and and I've watched other interviews you you've done with other people and I admire that that shows that you're


prepared and you understand and you've done your work in your due diligence and I it's my honor to be here and you make


me better and you make me think and and I would be honored to come back anytime


so thank you very much for your kind words and uh I follow you from afar so


um just know I'm a phone call away or a text away anytime you want me back I'm happy to come back and uh I think


there's going to be a lot of stuff that happens between now and the end of the year so hopefully between now and then we'll have a chance to chat but in the


meantime I hope you and everyone else out there stays well and uh look forward to picking up where we left off


hopefully not too far down the road right well we'll end on that note of mutual adittion I not to our views by


the way that one of Andy's interviews is the top performing video on KidCo news


where we first laid out this whole thesis and we'll be sure to drop a link to that interview in the description of


this video Andy thank you so much appreciate it as always you're the greatest Michelle thank you and you stay


well okay thank you Andy sheekman and again we wrap up your full disclosure I


do own both gold and Bitcoin and on that note I do want to say a special thanks to our sponsors Swan Bitcoin and a


reminder to our viewers that Swan does offer an IRA product which allows you to invest directly in Bitcoin with your IRA


there's a way to set it up that is super easy you're basically buying Bitcoin an autopilot it allows you to take


advantage of dollar cost averaging as you accumulate Bitcoin into your IRA and


there is a link in the description with a special awful for Kit viewers to help facilitate that process so make sure to


check that out as always thank you again for checking out this video if you're watching us on YouTube make sure to


subscribe and as I just mentioned we love to get your comments we do read them so feel free to praise wine or


justto pine we'll see you next time from me Michelle mcor and the rest of the Kito team on the spot with Michelle mcy


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