Monday, July 1, 2024

How are banks profiting from Israeli military onslaught on Gaza? Are major financial institutions underwritng it?

Several major financial institutions have been linked to the Israeli military and its actions in Gaza. Here are some key points:

Investments in Arms Companies: A U.S.-based Quaker group maintains an online database listing over two dozen companies profiting from the bloodshed in Gaza. These companies are involved in arms manufacturing and supply, and their stocks have surged due to the ongoing conflict1. Additionally, British banks like Barclays have been accused of financing Israel-linked arms firms, which contributes to the ongoing military offensive2.
Loans and Underwriting: UK banks, including HSBC and Barclays, have been accused of being complicit in Palestinian oppression by investing in and loaning money to companies that supply arms to Israel. These banks play a crucial role in the chain of support for the Israeli military3.
Facilitating Weapon Transfers: The U.S. government has transferred massive amounts of weapons to Israel, including bombs and artillery shells. Some of these weapons were purchased using U.S. taxpayers’ money, while others were direct commercial sales or replenished U.S. military stockpiles in Israel. The scale of destruction and war crimes in Gaza would not be possible without these weapon transfers1.
In summary, financial institutions’ involvement ranges from investments in arms companies to facilitating weapon transfers, contributing to the ongoing conflict. It’s essential to be aware of these connections and their impact on the situation in Gaza. πŸŒπŸ•Š️