Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Stand with Palestine post

US and Israel is conjoined at the hip. The money moguls stitched them together. The upper half of it - the torso - is called Israel while the bottom half is called the US.

The unholy alliance of pro-Zionist elements in the US also known as the Israeli lobby and Christian Zionism are dragging foreign policies of both countries to the ground.

Ultimately, the current policies that are being pursued are detrimental to Israel and the US themselves. Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza doesn’t look too good on any country’s profile. That is what is happening as a result of Israel’s bombing of Gaza.

It’s ok to be big and strong and look big and but you got to be friendly too, which is why China is winning friends around the world. If you are a bully like Uncle Sam and Ben the butcher, then people will shun away from you. You will be regarded as a pariah state, shunned by the international community, and rightly vilified.

Once you are associated with genocide, the smart money will turn away from you. Why invest in the death industry?

They don’t call Chinese diplomacy panda power for nothing. China is an attractive force for good.

On the contrary, the conjoined twins of the US-Israel is a repulsive force. This twin is so warlike that it goes on campaigns to destroy civilians and civilian infrastructure, plus children, the elderly and the disabled too all is done in the name of democracy or nationalism. All these targets are fair game and pursuing such policies only put yourself in bad light.

Once you are labelled as pariah, you will have to prove yourself because “innocent unless proven guilty does not apply to you anymore”. In fact, the other way round is applies for countries such as Israel; “guilty unless proven innocent.”

Amnesty apartheid report: Why Israel fully deserves its place as a pariah state -

The US is being dragged down into the dustbin of history by the pro-Zionist lobby on both sides of the Atlantic.

Here’s a must understand video: