Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Video Infoblog: Iran's response to 'Israel' after Haniyeh's assassination addressed by Mohammad Marandi.

Marandi emphasized that Iran's retaliation will be severe enough to compel the Israeli regime to deeply regret its action, indicating that “anywhere within the borders of Palestine… falls within the framework of a potential Iranian strike.” He also highlighted the gravity with which Iran views the Israeli attack as a violation of its sovereignty, honor, and guest. Transitioning to broader geopolitical implications, Marandi acknowledged the pressures Iran faces from Western nations, particularly the United States, which “occupies parts of Syria… and Iraq” to safeguard the Israeli occupation. Despite this, Marandi asserted Iran's resilience, assuring that it will surmount these pressures and deliver a more significant retaliation than witnessed in April when the occupation targeted Iran's consulate in Syria.